  "partner_order_id": "Partner_2378437",
  "skipcart_order_id": "237126",
  "skipcart_delivery_id": "221635",
  "event_time_utc": "2021-12-13T17:35:23.583Z",
  "event_status": "delivered",
  "order_status": "delivered",
  "schedule_failed_reason": null,
  "driver": {
    "driver_id": "65847",
    "first_name": "Trey",
    "last_name": "Johnson",
    "phone": null,
    "photo": "http://liveventsapi.skipcart.com/v1api//Driver/GetImage/EA10C6A1-A2AB-457A-A88B-36AB4B09E8B3",
    "vehicle": {
      "make": "Tesla",
      "model": "3",
      "color": "Black",
      "license_plate": "J6B4JC",
      "type": "Sedan"
  "location": {
    "lat": "29.427832572805492",
    "lng": "-98.489873682142743"
  "estimated_arrival": {
    "time_utc": "2021-12-13T17:35:24Z",
    "distance_meters": "5281"
  "tracking_url": "https://livetrack.skipcart.com//?t=237126",
  "delivery_details": {
    "delivered_on_utc": "2021-12-13T17:35:23.583Z",
    "signature": "http://liveeventsapi.skipcart.com/v1api//Jobs/GetDeliveryImage/",
    "photo": "http://liveeventsapi.skipcart.com/v1api//Jobs/GetDeliveryImage/",
    "remarks": null,
    "delivery_fee": "9.95",
    "return_reason": null
  "parking_slot": null,
  "reason_code": null,
  "agg_order_id": null
Successfull Response Result



The JSON structure will remain consistent for each event_status, however depending on the event certain fields will contain no data.

Attribute Breakdown

Field NameDescription
partner_order_idPartner generated order ID
skipcart_order_idInternal Order ID generated by Skipcart
skipcart_delivery_idSkipcart groups multiple orders for efficiency, this is the delivery ID assigned to a
group of orders
event_time_utcEvery time an event fired in Skipcart system, a corresponding non-blocking call is initiated
to Partner system using web-hooks. Event time is in UTC and indicates the time the time at which the event happened.
event_statusevent_status defined in Skipcart systems, see table above for breakdown of various events
parking_slotOptional - Parking slot # where driver is waiting for pickup. This is only returned in arrived_at_store & return_at_store events.
order_statusorder_status defined in Skipcart systems, see table above for breakdown of order statuses and correlation to events
schedule_failed_reasonIf order status is schedule_failed, this field will contain the applicable failure reason
driverThis group contains information about the driver assigned to the order:

driver_id – Unique identification number of the driver
first_name – First name of the driver
last_name – Last name of the driver
phone – Masked mobile number of the driver, populated up until an order is delivered or returned
photo – URL of photo of driver
vehicle – Vehicle driver is using to deliver to customer. Includes make, model, color, type, license_plate
locationGeolocation coordinates of the driver at the time of event:

lat– Latitude
lng– Longitude
estimated_arrivalEstimated arrival of driver to store or customer:

time_utc – Expected time of arrival in UTC
distance_meters– Distance to the destination measured in meters
tracking_urlTracking URL of the order. The Skipcart generated URL is short so it can be sent to customer by partner via SMS or other format. The web page contains map, current location of driver (updated frequently), driver contact details, vehicle details and customer address
delivery_detailsThis section contains the delivery proofs after the delivery has been completed or returned to

delivered_on_utc – Delivery time in UTC
signature – URL of signature of Customer/Partner
photo – URL of delivery proof
remarks – Remarks given by customer
delivery_fee – delivery fee to be paid to the driver
return_reason – Reason for return of delivery
reason_codeIf the event is close_order, this field returns one of the below values stating the reason for closing the order:

agg_order_idThis field will only be populated for partner integrations who have multiple brands being passed to Skipcart through a single set of API credentials, aka aggregators. The purpose of this field is to allow traceability for aggregators who have a different order ID at the aggregator level than the partner_order_id. Only the partner_order_id is shared with Skipcart drivers.


The "photo" field contains only the driver photo; the delivery photo and signature are not open to the public. See section 'Fetching Images from Skipcart' for further detail.

The Driver’s photo is open and does not require any security. It can be directly used in tag and directly assigned to src attribute in HTML.